Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Data Disaster Recovery Plan

Description: Data Disaster Recovery - Data disaster recovery plan is not a new idea. It came into being when corporates realized the importance of losing critical and sensitive data to uncommon incidents like earthquakes, floods, etc.

Keyword - is a leading IT Support Company in Essex. It provides network installation services, web hosting, data disaster recovery planning, network security and remote working

Data disaster recovery plan is not a new idea. It came into being when corporates realized the importance of losing critical and sensitive data to uncommon incidents like earthquakes, floods, etc.

Disaster can strike anywhere, anytime and it comes unannounced. Catastrophic disasters like earthquakes, tornadoes, cyclones, floods etc. can create such havoc that cannot be even estimated. In such a situation, it becomes very important to secure all important information that is vital for the working of any organization. Taking preventive measures before a disaster occurs, not only guarantees data protection, but also ensures a speedy return to normal operations.

Data is very essential to business continuity. In order to protect critical data, companies generally opt for a daily back up. A daily back up routine is vital but it becomes useless in incidents of calamitous data disaster. The ability to recover critical data soon after a disaster is a cardinal requirement, which cannot be over looked. Businesses and individuals require a data disaster recovery plan in place.

It is very important to have a data disaster recovery plan to protect critical data and to keep the organization functioning at a competitive level. A full fledged plan is made after a lot of study and analysis. A good Data disaster recovery plan integrates data environment that ensures 24/7 tenability, centralized management, real-time recovery and centralized data recovery in times of disaster. A disaster recovery plan is a part of a business recovery plan, which examines all the consequences of a disaster on the overall business. Normally, it also includes the restoration of telecommunication and the central system.

Though, data disaster recovery plans are readily available at all times in the work place, copies of crucial data are also stored off-site. This helps in saving copies of very critical data even if the whole work place is destroyed. The need for storing data off site, calls for having a secure off site back up storage location, where all vital data is backed up and stored. Copies are either stored in secure online vaults or are kept at the residence of a team member, if it is not inconsistent with the security policies of the company.

With a proper disaster recovery plan in place, companies do not have to wake up to the risk of their crucial data getting destroyed.

For more details, visit

Mit Patel is a very good author, who writes this article for Blog69587
Annabal Blog60377

Ivy League Education

For many parents, especially those who reside in the northeastern United States as well as other places, the pinnacle of education is found in Ivy League schools. Their cherished dream and life-long ambition is to send their sons and daughters to these schools, believing that the higher standards of education and social connections available there will likely set up their offspring for life. They are impressed no end by the Ivy League, with its connotations of academic excellence and its reputation for social elitism, and with good reason.

The term Ivy League can trace its roots to 1935, but the term really gained national attention starting in 1954 with the formation of the NCAA Division I athletic conference. With the dearth of professional sports at the time, people became rabid supporters of their favorite college teams and the Ivy League schools were no exception. Today, the term Ivy League is no longer associated wholly with athletics but with educational philosophy as exhibited by the country's oldest schools.

There are eight private institutions that comprise the Ivy League: Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island; Columbia University in New York, New York; Cornell University in Ithaca, New York; Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire; Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts; Princeton University in the Princeton Borough and Princeton Township, New Jersey; University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.

There are some characteristics common to Ivy League members, and these give credence to the perception that they are exceptional learning institutions. Ivy League schools consistently place among the top 20 in the US News college and university rankings; they rank among the top one percent of the world's academic institutions in terms of financial endowment; they are a haven for the country's top-tier students and faculty; and they are perceived to be socially elite.

All of the Ivy League institutions have financial endowments of over $2 billion each and are considered to be among the wealthiest private universities in the United States. Harvard, with a $25.5 billion endowment in 2005, is considered the wealthiest university in the United States and in the world. Incidentally, it is also the oldest university in the country.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles for - In addition, Kadence also writes articles for and Blog31543
Andi Blog67978

Parenting Your High School Graduate

I am a life coach for parents with young adults who have failed to launch and for young adults navigating the early years of independence. I am also a lawyer and single mom. I have two sons and my youngest, Richard, is just about ready to finish high school. We applied to about six colleges just before Thanksgiving, a rite that I had just done four years ago with his older brother, and now are waiting to hear back for the winning selections. It is worse than Oscar night. Many friends and family tease me about the empty nest. What will I do with the kids gone? I reply that is a fantasy that is one of the best kept secrets. No one wants to admit that in this day and age, we have many young adults not leaving home or coming back home after failed attempts out on their own or after college. The latest number is 18 million young adults living at home and not because they want to do so. The young adult leaving home after 18 was traditional for previous generations, but it is not reality for our generation.

What is going wrong is that no one is preparing our young adults for independence. We want to believe as parents that the schools and colleges are doing that, but they arent. We have both parents working these days and many single parents also working. As parents, we have been lulled into thinking that somehow the schools will launch our kids into adulthood. The sad fact is that our schools are doing a worse job than they ever have. As Dr. Mel Levine says in his book, Ready or Not, Here Life Comes, our high schools have become college prep institutions. This was not the case just 30-40 years ago. The high schools then had been to prepare the student with skills to enter the adult world. There is virtually no preparation in that direction today. The focus is to create better students for college and to obtain better test scores for funding. The student is a product, not a human. But without better parenting and parental involvement at this development stage, we are going to continue to see lost dependent young adults because the fact is, schools are not going to change any time soon.

Right now, according to a Time Magazine article in 2006, about 1/3 of our high school students are dropping out. Ive seen statistics that about 1/3 of our high school students are going to college. That leaves about 1/3 who are simply graduating and trying to find their way. If high schools have become college prep institutions, they are failing 2/3 of our students. When I went to high school, there were three tracks to better serve students and their families. There was the college track in which students took honors classes to prepare them for college. In addition, there was the business track for those going into office related jobs, and there was the technical track which included car repair and the like. The focus very much was on where students would be going after high school and how best to prepare them to work in the real world. The key here is the word, work.

In my coaching, I try to get parents to begin a dialogue with their students in high school about what do they want to do when they grow up. No one is asking teens how they see their life after high school. If you ask any junior or senior, they will say they are going to college because that is what everyone is supposed to be doing. Those who have no intention of going will say they are going to college. We used to be able to say to friends, Im going to get a job at such and such and maybe go to college after a few years. You cant say that now. Somehow work before finishing college is disgusting. Is it any wonder we have young adults returning home?

Parents still need to be involved in raising their high school student. They need to be imparting and supporting a number of skills. Teens need to start living their lives, in part, as adults. They need to wake up on their own, manage time on their own, work in areas they think they might like as a career, drive a car, manage their own money, and pay some of their own bills. Of course, a little course in cooking wouldnt be bad. Parents look at me as if Im nuts. Work? At a job? Theres too much homework or they have too many extracurricular activities to be involved in so that their college applications look good. But every time I have a client put their teens to work and let them manage money and pay their own gas and other bills, a miracle happens. The teen starts to mature. Work ethics dont come with a college degree. They start in the teens or as young adults. My sons both are getting into college and both have worked. Work should accompany college plans. It is a foundation of adult life. My sons have worked at several jobs and found out which ones they dont like and why. This is how young adults figure out where they need to go. A college major is not a job. It is too late after four years, and frequently now, five years of college and thousands of dollars to find out that you arent going to be working in your major.

If your young adult just isnt the college sort, thats fine. In fact, thats more normal than not. They have not failed and neither have you! This is a great journey for them and you. Help them to get the training and the sort of jobs they think they are interested in. I know of many grown adults and young adults who dont finish college. The bottom line is finding out what career path you want and you can only do that if you try it out. College will be more relevant and meaningful if you know where you are going and what you want to do. Research out of Stanford and Brown University shows that the teen brain is continuing to grow until about age 25. These are learning and developing years in the most significant sense. Both of my sons may not go the traditional route of four years of college following high school and then getting a job. I didnt either. My oldest son has gone to two colleges and about to go to a third. He is finding what he likes, where he likes to live and who he is and that is the real goal of growing up, not a degree.

Parents are relieved when I tell them there is no path, just the illusion of one. Their job for the next 4-8 years is one of supporting and helping their young adult to find their way to independence. It is a process to be involved in and enjoyed.

Ellen Gibran-Hesse is a solo practitioner attorney with a B.S. in psychology and a single mother of two sons ages 20 and 17. She has done extensive work in non-profit organizations with teens and young adults and helped family and friends to successfully launch their children into a successful transition into adulthood for over five years. She is currently writing a book to assist other parents and parent groups based on her research and experience. Bellanca Blog68305
Brittani Blog21114

Choosing the Right Computer System for your Medical Practice

Most of the physicians I have met are just too afraid to change their existing computer or even to upgrade their existing medical billing software. Their staff is resistant to transition or even learning a new system!

Making a decision on what computer hardware to choose is very critical to your practice and for your compliancy. The good news is, computers nowadays are incredibly affordable! You can now get a complete desktop with monitor with as low as $450.00 Most of these computers are windows-based operating system. Your existing medical billing software will definitely be compatible on any of these Windows operating systems. Your medical billing software vendor might just run few updates and patches for full compatibility with your new computers or server or even on your old computers! The same thing if you are upgrading your billing software. The bottom line is, you are about to make a decision to make your practice productive, efficient and compliant with HIPAA rules and guidelines.

Let's start with, if you are a small practice with 2 computers and 1 printer. Well, having a dedicated server for your billing system is not yet a good option.

(1) Buying a computer running on Windows XP Professional is better than the one that runs on XP Home Edition. XP Professional is really intended for business purposes which runs database and other office applications software.

(2) Share your computer via a switch or a router by networking the two computers. Why share? sharing files and documents is very productive. In other words, you can access files from any of these computers.

(3) Share your printer, connect one printer locally and share it on the network.

If you are a bigger practice with more than 3 computers, 2 printers and at least 5-10 staff (including the providers). Then you are better off to go for a dedicated server or a stand-alone server. What does this mean? ofcourse, can you imagine at least 7 people simultaneously accessing the same medical billing software (setting up appointments, taking information for new patients, billers posting payments and the providers putting in notes on the patients), this will definitely slow down your network if you don't have a stand-alone server.

That server is best to run on Windows Server 2003 (Business Edition) or on Windows 2000 Server (Advance Edition). All these 3-8 computers will share resources by networking them using a switch (or a high-end hub). Printers will also be shared on the network, all users may print from any of the network printers from any of the computers.

Consider the following hardware specifications for your server and workstations:

(1) Processor (I prefer Intel-based processors)

(2) Memory (at least 512MB)

(3) Hard Disk Storage - Server (at least 250GB, this is just my suggestion!)

(4) Hard Disk Storage - Workstations ( at least 40GB)

(5) Tape Back Up (you have to have a daily back up of your files!, internal tape back up is more convenient than external back up drive)

(6) Network Interface Card

How about the warranty? most of the vendors sell warranty up to 3 years or even 5 years for parts and repairs. This will cost you another $150-$300 for warranty. I strongly encourage you to get that extended warranty because you never know.

There you go! I hope this article will help you choose the right computers and server for your practice.

Ms. Pinky Mcbanon is an experienced Medical Biller and Coder based in New York. A graduate of Bachelor Science in Computer Engineering. A Medical Practice Billing Consultant.Anthia Blog28283
Aura Blog7362

Houston Schools New Budget Brings Needed Money for Teachers and Improvements

Houston schools teachers have not had significant pay raise in seven years. The new Houston schools budget plans for an average 8.6 percent pay raise for teachers for the 2006-07 school year, with a total of $49.2 million in funding. The state is providing $31 million for the pay raises, and the Houston schools are providing $18.2 million from their own revenues. An additional $8 million increase also is included for teacher performance pay.

This is all part of the Houston schools proposed $1.4 billion budget for the 2006-07 school year, and the Houston schools will NOT increase school tax property rates by the allotted four cents per $100 of property.

The Houston schools believe the pay raises should make their district more competitive to attract more teaching talent. Newly recruited teachers will start at $40,268, an increase from last years $36,050 starting pay.

The Houston schools proposed budget also includes the following:

$1.9 million for principal and assistant principal pay raises of 5.1 percent. Again, the Houston schools intent is to make their district more competitive. This also includes additional incentives for principals of larger schools and/or those with higher numbers of disadvantaged students and gifted and talented students, which require more oversight and innovation to educate.
$3 million to help academically struggling Houston schools.
$4.8 million more for elementary and middle schools.
$12 million for small-sized Houston schools that do not receive as much per-student funding but need the revenues for instructional improvements.
More than $10 million to help bring school buildings up to standard.
$25.1 million for overall school building maintenance.
$927,300 (nearly $1 million) to maintain the increased police and K-9 presence at the Houston schools.
Four percent raise across the board for school bus drivers, cafeteria workers, custodians and hourly employees.
Four percent raise for Houston schools administrators.

This is all from the proposed budgets General Fund, which increases by 5.7 percent under the Houston schools new plan. The Houston schools additional revenue for the coming school year comes from the increase in local property values and the states newly adopted school finance system, which shifts more of the funding of public education burden to the state. This decreases the cost of education for the local taxpayers from the 87.1 percent last year to only 77.6 percent for school year 2006-07.

Separate from the General Fund is a special appropriation from the state legislature for the Houston schools. It will place $11.8 million more next year into improving high schools, with each receiving an extra $187 in per student funding. The Houston schools intend to add an additional $39 per student to this special appropriation, based upon the types of students and specific needs of each school.

Lastly, the Houston schools put aside extra money this year to cover the cost of fuel for school vehicles and electricity. The Houston schools have a total of 1,000 buses and other vehicles in its fleet. They expect the cost of fuel to increase by $3 million. The cost of electricity for Houston schools is expected to increase by $9.1 million over last years expenditure.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Cari Blog33326
Barry Blog99948

How To Take Pictures Of Fireworks

These days there seems to be a firework display at almost every outdoor event, and there are also plenty of other opportunities which you can use to perfect your Firework technique. The unpredictable nature of the position, color and shape of each firework explosion means that no two shots will ever look the same. But follow our advice and you'll be able to get some stunning fireworks shots.

Capturing the spectacle of a firework display is all about predicting when and where the most dramatic events are going to take place. Try to find out where the main display at your event will be taking place, and where the fireworks will be fired from. To capture the wider view of large public displays it's often best to avoid the most popular spots close to the action. At popular events you'll struggle to find enough room to set up your tripod - a necessity to shoot the display - and you'll also often be too close to the action. It's much better to find a spot that gives you a viewpoint over the whole display, to allow you to capture as many of the individual fireworks as possible. It's worth going back to the busier areas if you want to try some portraits of family and friends around the fire though.

When searching for a place to shoot the display, look out for things to use to enhance your images. Flood-lit buildings are great for giving a sense of place, while water can create amazing reflections to add an extra element to your pictures.

Unless you've been to the same display before, trying to predict where many of the fireworks are going to explode can be tricky. Some rockets can go hundreds of feet in the air before they create their light show. The wide-angle end of a standard zoom will give a broad enough view for most displays, but if you have one it's worth taking a wider lens just in case the rockets go much higher. While the results can be pretty hit or miss, the unpredictability can lead to some great results. Don't expect every shot to be a winner and make sure you shoot plenty!

If there's a fire (or floodlights) near to the fireworks display you can include the light from this to give your shots an extra glow, rather than simply recording the fireworks against a black sky. As the subject is much brighter than the surroundings the exposure times are a little more hit or miss than for just the fireworks themselves, so experiment with shutter speeds and aperture settings.

How to set up your shots

The intermittent and unpredictable nature of fireworks means that the automatic exposure systems will rarely give you good results. Instead you'll need to set the camera to manual exposure mode and set the shutter speed and aperture yourself. As it will be dark then bright as the fireworks explode, it's also very difficult to use the metering to gauge the exposure needed. Although you're working 'in the dark' when it comes to exposure it's not as difficult as it first appears, as there are some handy tricks that will help you to get the results spot-on.

Using a Tripods

You'll need a longer shutter speed to capture several bursts than if there are loads of fireworks going off in quick succession. For most displays a shutter speed of between 8 seconds and 30 seconds will give you plenty of action. Your shutter speeds will run into several seconds, so you'll need to put the camera on a tripod and release the shutter using the self-timer, or ideally a remote release to combat camera shake.

Select manual exposure

The light will vary from almost pitch-black to bright during your exposures, so you need to select the manual exposure option and ignore any reading from the metering. With very little light you'll find that the auto-focus will struggle, so set the camera to manual focus. As you'll be some distance from the subject set the focus on the lens to infinity. The shutter speed is more about the number of bursts that you capture than the exposure of the result. When it comes to ISO, set the camera to the lowest ISO possible lo minimize noise. You can try fast settings such as ISO 800 or 1600 to allow you to shoot portraits using the glow of the bonfire, but expect plenty of noise or grain.

Aperture & shutter speeds

With the camera set to ISO 100 you should try exposures at apertures of f/8 and f/16. As a guide, if you're close to the fireworks use f/16 and if you're shooting from a distance use mainly f/8. If you're using ISO 200 then set f/22 for close subjects and f/16 for distant displays. The shutter speeds are less critical than the aperture for the brightness of your image, but they do affect how many bursts and how much of the display you will record in a single frame.

Gary BunnCassey Blog30146
Arlee Blog95225

Get Started, Make Money! Its Easier Than You Think

It's always easier to improve something than to imagine and create it from scratch. There's something about actually seeing it, complete, that affects the human mind, releases tension, and stimulates ideas for improvement.

We've all experienced it.

The cook who invents a new cake and instantly has everyone telling her how it could be better if she only did this! The engineer who designs and builds a new bridge and has a hundred imitators (all with their own variants) within weeks.

In the world of regular business, this is the role of prototypes. To *show* everyone what can be. In the world of Japanese manufacturing, the concept of *kaizen* (that drove them to world manufacturing dominance) depends on the same phenomenon invent a process then continually improve it.

If this is embedded in the human character why go against the flow? Yet, newbies to the web do it all the time! They either try to learn all the skills first (taking months and months to come to any income) or they hand over the bulk of the profits to some guy with a pre-packaged opportunity that promises to take away the pain usually of technology.

Well, it may not suit everyone, but there is a third way.

Pre-packaged AdSense sites

AdSense is the Google advertising program that places those tiny, clickable advertisements on sites all over the web. AdSense is really the other side of the coin from AdWords. AdWords are the ads that appear in the top right of Google sales pages. Well, in AdSense the ads are placed on private sites and Google splits the proceeds with the owner.

AdSense is a well-established way to make a steady mostly passive income on the web. The idea is simple: you set up a site, stuff it with content (usually articles), optimize every page to its keywords, introduce it to the search engines and other drivers of traffic and then sit back and collect the checks!

There's a whole crowd of industrious e-book writers churning out instructions on how to do this. The most famous is John Reese, an internet guru's guru, who named these sites virtual real estate'. Snappy!

The problem with VRE's is that the concept became too popular and Google became ticked off with the degradation of its search results from constantly repeated content. They have tried to strangle the concept, but that is frankly impossible. VRE sites are all about content and so is Google! Indeed, the bulk of Google's profits come from this source.

But, enough background. From the newbie point of view, pre-packaged AdSense Sites are a huge learning opportunity. The idea is simple.

You find a package. And install it. For an example of a site in its more or less raw form go to . You now publish the site or a whole slew of them either under different domain names or in sub-directories of one domain. Your web host will tell you how to do that.

You now have a site with income potential and you start classic traffic building. So far, so typical

But, you don't have to leave it there.

So far we have used some simple techniques taking a bunch of web pages, uploading them, introducing them to the web site etc. But there are endless things you can do that may leave your site looking totally different in a short time - though it will never stop potentially earning money.

You are using the site as a prototype. Improve the graphics. Add your own content (Google will love you!). Change the layout. Add other providers for example Yahoo! Publisher Network. Add Affiliate Links. Add all kinds of stuff.

As you play, you learn! In the teaching trade it is called "experiential learning" or "learning by doing", and it's the way the vast bulk of us learn particularly adults.

The risk associated with this is small. You need a domain, a host, a package, and some web site creation software. Total cost a few hundred dollars, if you buy it all yourself.

But you get a huge amount for it.

A potential money-maker, a search engine optimized site, a learning opportunity and something else a sense of accomplishment. Remember, the toughest thing in web home business is the loneliness. When you start from scratch you condemn yourself to months of lonely learning and frustration. Learning by doing - when the site is always potentially earning, and eternally *complete* - takes away a huge amount of the pressure and frustration.

AdSense pre-packaged sites make almost perfect learning tools. Try it, there's really nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Copyright (c) 2006 Michael Kay

Michael Kay edits the * Insights Letter* and *The Home-Based Business Review*. These are FREE publications stuffed with ideas, access to resources and free gifts. Subscribe now at and get your free gift with the first issue. To find out more about AdSense Sites go to Blog75298
Anna Diana Blog76356

How To Find The Best Spyware Blocker

With the purpose of finding the most excellent spyware blocker for the PC you foremost have to be familiar with what a proper spyware blocker is supposed to do. There is a list of features, which you ought to pay attention to when purchasing anti spyware program and given below are some of those features in details.

A proper spyware detection software will make available to the user a simple to use, total solution to getting rid of spyware. This spyware detection software ought to furthermore come with regular updates and include different monitoring alternatives on hand.

The Features You Have To Pay Attention To

When it is about buying a spyware blocker there are a few features, which you ought to make certain, are incorporated with the anti spyware program you select. The foremost thing you will have to make sure is that the anti spyware program will provide you with a detailed list of the identified spyware, which is located in your PC in order that you can make a decision whether to carry on with them or not. Is there a variety of software incorporated along with the spyware blocker, which will help with the identification of spyware in an even easier manner?

The next feature, which is very important, is real time security. In other words, we suggest that the spyware blocker you select ought to in addition be capable of preventing spyware from setting up in your PC. The spyware blocker ought to be simple to make use of and the time it needs to carry out an inspection of your PC ought to moreover be taken into deliberation. A few spyware detection programs can take about thirty minutes to inspect your PC.

One more vital feature to think about is the easiness of installation and set up of the spyware blocker. If you mean to shell out money on getting rid of spyware then it ought to be simple to set up and make use of. Support and help should furthermore be on hand and their accessibility also ought to be thought about and looked into prior to your purchasing your spyware blocker.

If you follow these little guidelines, you are sure to buy the most excellent spyware blocker for your PC.

Richard Pace is a network security manager. See more articles of his at http://www.whatfirewall.infoCarine Blog1233
Berenice Blog3395

New Laptop Insurance and Computer Insurance: Does This Protect You?

Laptop Insurance in now recognised as necessary, because most people recognise the risk of a high value laptop that they carry around. Computer Insurance is slightly less obvious in terms of travel risk, but a computer is similarly a high value item at risk from damage and theft.

Laptop insurance has historically covered mostly business customers. Now a new laptop protection and computer protection has just been released, particularly for those who don't want to sign up to a long term contract.

This can be found at

This is specifically designed to protect people who know their laptop or computer has high value but do not want to make a long term commitment. Instead people can protect their laptop or computer on a month by month basis.

Naturally, the value of a laptop or computer declines with age, and the cost of replacement tends to decline with time. So many people do not want to sign up for a long term contract. With this in mind, the latest laptop insurance and computer insurance policies have been developed, such as the 2U Laptop Insurance and 2U Computer Insurance policies.

Duncan Elliott has successfully managed and run the Marketing Dept at and the affiliate system at for the last 6 years.Bambi Blog77126
Alexa Blog76209

Rollback Rx - A Disaster Recovery Solution

Rollback Rx system restore software helps in disaster recovery. If you work with computers, you have to be prepared with a disaster recovery solution. What is disaster recovery? It is the ability to speedily recover from the loss of data. It restores system settings so that your system is ready to use as quickly as possible, retrieving data and making it accessible to you. Rollback Rx does this in minutes, whereas if one were to use manual recovery methods, theres no guarantee that data will be intact, not to mention the hours or days that it might take to repair computers.

In spite of advances in rollback technology, data continues to be lost through user errors and unsuccessful software installs. Updates create a problem necessitating disaster recovery. Windows system restore only restores computer settings but does not recover data. In such a situation, the ideal system restore software is Rollback Rx, which practically helps a business to keep running.

Rollback Rx Retrieves Critical Data

In business organizations, if there has been data loss, their success in maintaining continuity of work depends more on their ability to retrieve their data as fast as possible, rather than getting the hardware up and running. The important information in most organizations resides in electronic form inside a computer making it critical to have access to it at all times. Rollback Rx makes sure that you can recover your data right up to the moment your pc crashed ensuring that you have your data back so that you are not stuck without vital information while making business decisions.

Rollback Rx system restore software keeps track of data and system files as they keep altering. Lets say you are working on a document and happen to delete a part of it, then save it after you change it. Suddenly you realize that you did not want to delete that information. Maybe it runs to several pages and will take hours to create again. With Rollback Rx software, you can revert right back to the earlier version of the file with absolutely no data loss. You can restore computer settings, registry settings, and rollback to any earlier moment in time. Suppose your system is affected by malware or unsolicited software downloads and installations, you can use Rollback Rx to fix computer problems by restoring your system back to an operational point.

RollBack Rx protects you from day zero attacks by taking system snapshots based on a set schedule for your system, restoring your crashed system without data loss in just the time it takes to reboot your system.

Jacob Henderson is the technical head of Horizon Data Systems and leading software development firm in the business of Desktop Security and PC performance enhancement software. During his more than 10 years of software development experience in various positions, Jacob Henderson has developed a large number of state of the art software and written numerous articles and reports. Jacob Henderson was one of the core team leaders, that is responsible for the development of user integration features of the flagship product of the Company-Rollback Rx Software.Brynna Blog5461
Carena Blog67532

Eating Out In London

London is without doubt the restaurant capital of the UK. Immigrants of all nationalities have brought their own exotic flavours and culinary culture to the city, making London an exciting and cosmopolitan place to eat out. Heres a guide to some of the best restaurants area by area.

Covent Garden

Covent Garden is an attractive area with a covered piazza complex at its centre. Its popular with tourists but can be pricey. If youre looking for an inexpensive meal in this area your best bet is to try out some of the large bar/restaurants such as Wagamama and All Bar One, where youll find reasonable quality food in stylish surroundings at affordable prices.

If you want to experience a traditional London restaurant, try Rules on Maiden Lane. Its rather expensive but its worth it. Reputed to be the oldest restaurant in London, it has a beautiful vintage interior and serves old London favourites, from oysters and eels to pies and puddings.

Another famed London restaurant and popular hang-out of the rich and famous is The Ivy on West Street. Youll need to book a table weeks in advance to savour its wonderful modern and luxurious British cuisine shepherds pie, leek tart, kedgeree and the deliciously decadent sticky toffee pudding.

South Bank

Urban redevelopment has seen lots of gastro-pubs pop up in this area chic and trendy bars serving high quality food in informal surroundings and at reasonable prices.

For fabulous modern European cuisine, try Festival Square on the ground floor of the Royal Festival Hall. Its a relaxing caf-bar serving everything from light snacks to filling main course dishes.

Another popular gastro-pub is the award winning Anchor and Hope on The Cut. In contrast to many of the bars in this area, its dcor is traditional, with oak panelled walls, but its food is most definitely up-to-date. Try the beetroot and goats cheese salad or the lamb shank with minted beans.


Bloomsbury is home to many of Londons top academic institutions such as University of London, University College London, Birkbeck College and the British Museum. Its always bustling with students and as a result theres a great choice of good but cheap caf-bars and brasseries as well as some more upmarket restaurants.

The Coffee Gallery on Museum Street, next to the British Museum, has an eclectic range of organic and vegetarian dishes, from sandwiches to salads and pastas.

One of the best ethnic eateries in the city is Hakkasan, Londons first Michelin-starred Chinese restaurant. Its chic and sophisticated, with inventive dishes and a fashionable cocktail bar.

Knightsbridge and Chelsea

Two of the most fashionable and exclusive parts of London, Knightsbridge and Chelsea are dotted with upmarket and Michelin-starred restaurants.

Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay has Londons only restaurant with three Michelin Stars. Named simply Gordon Ramsay, its on Royal Hospital Road near Chelsea Embankment.

Founded in the 1950s, the Troubadour on Old Brompton Road is an eclectic caf-bar with a prestigious live music heritage. Bob Dylan, Charlie Watts and Jimi Hendrix are among the stars who have performed here. The epitome of London bohemia, this West London institution has a deli, club and caf, and its great place to hang out for food, drinks and music.


Camden is young, hip and trendy and theres nowhere better in London for a lively night out. There are restaurants of all sorts interspersed between vibrant bars and clubs.

For excellent French cuisine, try Le Petit Train on Chalcot Road, or Belgo Noord on Chalk Farm Road for hearty Belgian cooking and great beer. The best tapas can be enjoyed at the Spanish themed Bar Gansa on Inverness street.


Soho is probably one of the best places to eat out in London in terms of quality and value for money. Most of the restaurants offer fabulous cooking at reasonable prices, especially in Chinatown, where there are some great Szechuan, Thai, Cantonese, Japanese, Indonesian and Vietnamese restaurants. Try Imperial China Cantonese restaurant on Lisle Street, Kulu Kulu Japanese restaurant on Brewer Street, Busaba Eathai Thai restaurant on Wardour Street or Saigon Vietnamese restaurant on Frith Street.

Brick Lane

Londons large Asian population is concentrated in the East End, especially around Brick Lane. Lined with Indian and Bangladeshi restaurants, its earned the nickname the Curry Mile. Monsoon is one of the hippest modern Indian restaurants, with contemporary Tandoori dishes as its speciality, whereas Sweet and Spicy gets back to basics, serving top-notch Indian food in modest surroundings. One of the most stylish Bengali restaurants is Caf Naz, a sleek caf-bar with modern wood and steel dcor and atmospheric lighting. Its fish and seafood dishes are delicious. Preem is another good Bengali restaurant with a fantastic range of balti dishes.


Once a run-down residential area, this inner-city suburb in the north of London has been given a new lease of life in the last few decades. The beautiful Victorian townhouses have been renovated and its now a trendy and fashionable part of London with an air of bohemian chic. The restaurants are a varied mix of stylish and quirky. The Elk in the Woods, for example, is reminiscent of an old ladys living room. Its a small and cosy place on the lovely cobbled Camden Passage. Just like the dcor, the food is inventive and unusual with a modern European influence. Flaming Nora is a great burger restaurant and takeaway, but its not a typical fast food joint. The burgers are all made from the freshest, highest quality meat and fish, chargrilled to perfection. Aberdeen Angus, lamb and tuna burgers are the specialities, and it also does a great line in skewers and kebabs.

Pauline WappingBertha Blog39159
Analise Blog32318

Hawaii Cruise - Travel by Land or Sea?

So, you want to plan a trip to Hawaii. There are lots of options to consider when planning your vacation and they may seem overwhelming. A good starting point might be to think about how you are planning to arrive in this tropical paradise. Since Hawaii is, after all, an island there are only two ways to get there: by sea or by air. When calculating time from California, your choice is between five hours in the air or five days by sea. Now, I know there's a big difference in time, but a Hawaii cruise might be just the excitement and relaxation you're looking for.

Depending on your preference of travel, a Hawaii cruise might sound much more appealing to you than traveling by plane. It is inevitable that every time you step onto an airplane, even if you did pay top dollar for first class, you find yourself in an overcrowded area, in close quarters with several hundred people, many who are possibly ill.

You probably do everything you can, short of jump off the plane, to pass the grueling five hours. Then once you're off the plane you spend another hour or more enduring airport security and looking for your luggage before you even begin the trip to your hotel. Wow, doesn't sound like a great way to start a relaxing vacation. And just think, you get to do it all over again at the end of your trip, too.

Now, visualize yourself heading to your departure point and arriving right at your hotel. No long security lines, no crowded planes. When you travel by ship on a Hawaii cruise it's just like checking into your hotel and relaxing while you head to your destination. You can put your luggage in your room and head straight to the pool deck, enjoy a cocktail, and spend the first five hours of your vacation basking in the tropical sun rather than dodging someone else's germs.

When it comes down to it there's really no comparison. I know I would much rather spend my vacation to Hawaii relaxing on a cruise ship than wasting it in an airport. You will return home relaxed and calm from a week of pampering and luxury instead of stressed to the max from a long flight. The choice is yours, spend you days and nights in a luxurious room, enjoying delicious meals on a cruise ship of your preference, and you will truly enjoy your getaway to the paradise of the Hawaiian islands.

Jeremy Thompson is the author of your online guide to Hawaii vacations and Hawaii cruises. His fun filled site is filled with great information about Hawaii vacations and cruises. Check it out at Blog82007
Anthia Blog53050

Some Texas Schools Reject State Merit Pay Program

In May of 2006, the Texas Educator Excellence Grant Program was enacted by a special legislative session in Texas. Governor Rick Perry and several legislators sponsored the bill, which allocates state funds to underwrite merit pay plans in Texas schools across the state. It is the largest incentive pay program in the nation.

The program essentially implements a long-standing business concept into the Texas schools, treating teachers as individual professionals rather than an educational team. Proponents of the program believe that mediocrity becomes the standard, when excellence and mediocrity are equally rewarded.

The legislature allocated $100 million for teacher bonuses for this school year, and another $250 million for the next school year. The program targets Texas schools, which have a large population of low-income students but also have earned one of the two highest state performance ratings of exemplary or recognized. Classroom teacher bonuses are only for those who teach in core subject areas and are based on student standardized test scores.

Grants for the program were awarded to 1,161 Texas schools this year, 15 percent of all traditional and charter schools within the state. Though such a program is mostly untested in public schools, the Texas schools has made it voluntary for qualifying schools. Teachers are required to give input at each school and ultimate approval of the program.

More than 24 schools already have rejected the program and grant money, some returning up to $90,000 to the state. Linda Bridges of the Texas Federation of Teachers stated that the backers of the bill never consulted the teachers before developing and passing the program. Critics of the program do not believe it will achieve what the proponents suggest it will, and teacher resistance remains high.

One reason cited is the animosity that such a plan will cause in the Texas schools, pitting teacher against teacher in order to attain the bonuses. It would dissolve the team spirit prevalent at many Texas schools, where teachers and staff all work together for the success of the entire school. This one big family attitude is embraced by many educators. Under the states program, only core subject teachers are eligible for the bonuses, ignoring many teachers who add to a schools total success.

Many Texas schools educators see the program as a disruption, distracting teachers from focusing on raising student test scores and improving their academic achievement. Instead, they would be focused on personal gain over the total success of the school.

Another drawback to the incentive pay program is the amount of paperwork required for a school to participate. Many Texas schools teachers would much rather spend that time working with their students.

Debbie Ratcliffe of the Texas schools said they expect at least 98 percent of the schools to accept the grant money and develop merit pay plans for their teachers.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on Texas schools visit Blog26493
Allegra Blog34486

Timeshare FAQ: Should You Invest In A Timeshare?

* What are the advantages of owning a timeshare?

There are many advantages of owning a timeshare. Nevertheless, some people are confused about what timeshares are all about.

Timeshare owners in the USA have reached more than 2 million families. Perhaps, in the past you attended a presentation but didnt get all of your questions about timeshares answered. Almost half the people who attend a timeshare presentation want to buy but never actually do due to lack of information.

The advantages and benefits of owning a timeshare include the following:

- You can plan on a yearly vacation.

- Instead of renting a cramped hotel room, you can have a condo-style accommodation.

- Timeshares guarantee a yearly vacation for the rest of your life.

- You can pay for future vacation at todays prices.

- You get the best accommodations in the most desirable locations.

- You have the option to rent out your timeshare or lend it to family and friends.

- You may also have some flexibility for a great vacation with worldwide exchanges.

- You can even will your ownership of the timeshare to your heirs, which means it does not expire when you do.

- Owning a timeshare means more vacations and lasting vacation memories. Some of the vacations you take through your timeshare may even be tax deductible.

* What are some of the major benefits of buying or renting a timeshare rather than staying in a hotel?

Buying or renting a timeshare actually saves you money because it allows you to fix future vacation costs. A timeshare also allows you to have more amenities and more space. It allows you to have a more comfortable vacation. Why? Buying or renting a timeshare guarantees security, fully furnished rooms, a den, a kitchen with eating and cooking utensils, and most even include a hot tub, sauna, playground, fireplace, golf, tennis, marina, even babysitting and much more. By contrast, staying in a hotel often gives you tiny rooms and limited facilities.

Buying a timeshare also gives you resale equity after 10 to 30 years. It even offers resort choices and exchange possibilities, so it offers a broader choice of where you can go on a vacation.

* Is there a difference between timeshares and vacation ownership?

There are no differences between timeshare and vacation ownership. Most operators feel that the term "timeshare" projects an image in consumers minds of slick men in leisure suits with white belts, so they changed the term "timeshare" to a softer term, "vacation ownership," or in short, "a rose by another name."

* What things should you consider before acquiring or purchasing a timeshare?

Before you purchase a timeshare, you should be aware of the costs of buying an interest in timeshare real estate. It is important that you, as a buyer, review all the documents and understand all of your rights. Here are some other factors that you should ask yourself before purchasing a timeshare:

- When is the seasonal demand for this property?

- What are the financial risks and investment potential?

- What will be the total costs including broker commissions, finance charges, and maintenance?

- Are there exchange programs with other locations or resorts?

- What is the true value of giveaways or other sales incentives?

- Also ask about the State protection and reputation.

Mel Tremaine is editor of, the online guide to Timeshare. He also writes Timeshare FAQ's for Diane Blog72502
Aubrette Blog10272

Creating a Travel Plan for Your Mexico Vacation

Planning is key to enjoying a great vacation when visiting Mexico. Taking the time to plan your trip ahead of time is the best way to enjoy your vacation. Planning is not only needed to enjoy your vacation, but to stay within your budget, have access to entertainment, and have a backup plan should anything go awry.

When creating a Mexico travel plan, it is advised that you include the cost of your trip, as well as your spending money. If you are planning a family trip, you may want to let your children participate in the plan by letting them decide where theyd like to go and what theyd like to see. A Mexico travel plan is also important because it can and should be used to manage your time. Careful planning can prevent burnout. You are encouraged to make a list of the top destinations that you would like to see. Be sure to include museums, beaches, historical landmarks, and anything else that peaks your interest.

Planning your budget will help prevent spending on an impulse. You will find that there are many opportunities to purchase souvenirs in Mexico. With a preplanned budget, you should be able to enjoy the benefits of Mexican shopping. You can easily use calculators to determine the exchange rate between the United States and Mexico. Taking the exchange rate into consideration is the best way to effectively budget your money. You should also plan for tipping when preparing your budget.

If you decide to vacation at an all-inclusive resort, then the cost of airfare, hotel, and food will be provided for. However, it is important to note that certain restrictions may apply. At an all-inclusive resort, you will have to pay for the extras, so make sure that you include anything that you may to purchase. Extra money should be set aside for shopping in the markets and traveling outside of your resort.

Planning for your entertainment ahead of time will help to prevent overspending. You should determine ahead of time what activities you would like to engage in. Planning and budgeting for your Mexico vacation can be difficult, especially when it comes to entertainment. You may find that you and your family will want to make a last minute stop. This is why it is advised that you plan for unexpected stops and purchases. If you have already set aside some money for an unexpected activity, you wont have to worry about the cost of a last minute decision.

Finally, your plan should consist of contact information and an emergency back up plan. Whenever you are visiting a foreign country, it is important that you create an itinerary with all of your information and the details of your trip. That itinerary should be left with a close friend, family member, neighbor, or co-worker. In addition, you should also register with the United States Embassy or Consulate offices when you arrive. If anything happens while you are in Mexico, seeking the help of the U.S. Embassy or the nearest consulate office will provide the quickest and most effective assistance.

Before leaving for Mexico, make sure that you have up-to-date passports for all family members, as well as other forms of identification. By creating a travel plan, sticking to your budget, and creating an emergency backup plan, you can ensure that you family will have a wonderful vacation in Mexico.

Christos Varsamis is a Marketing consultant .Learn how to save hundreds, even thousands on international flights and Powerful tactics to save on airfare, hotels, cruises, rental cars Blog38800
Caitrin Blog51822

Bridal Flowers Arrangements

Bridal Flowers Arrangements

A wedding is a formal occasion, which is replete with several customs and traditions. These customs and traditions have been practiced for generations together and people still follow them with great reverence. One of the most discussed features of the wedding is the bridal costume that has several finer details associated with it. Every aspect of the bridal costume reflects grace, beauty and classic touch. The white wedding gown, the white netted veil and the wedding flowers are all the integral features of a bridal costume. Yet another component that completes the image of a bride is the bridal bouquet that is carried by the bride while approaching the altar. The bridal bouquet has a special significance and selected by the bride herself.

Bridal Bouquet

Flowers have always been associated with human emotions and hence it is not surprising that they are an integral part of a wedding ceremony. Every silk flower or artificial flower stands for a specific attribute like roses stand for love, freesia represent trust while ferns stand for sincerity.

The task of creating a bridal bouquet is eagerly awaited by every bride and a great thought is put into selecting the right flowers for the bouquet. The bridal bouquet also carries a special significance and represents the blossoming of a young maiden. Also after the wedding is solemnized, while leaving the venue the bride throws the bouquet over her back among a group of unmarried girls and whoever catches it is the next to be married. Brides usually select their favorite flowers to incorporate in the bridal bouquet. The most commonly used flowers are roses, orchids, dried lavenders, lilies, geraniums and poinsettias.

Once the flowers have been selected they are clubbed together by adding fresh grapevines, ferns and leaves. These are the most natural elements that complement the flowers in the bouquets. Apart from these, the bouquets are also decorated with silk Flowers, laces, ribbons and silk materials that lend a royal touch to the bouquet. To enhance the bouquet it must be accessorized with these embellishments so that beauty of the flowers is accentuated.

Making the Right Bouquet

It is important that the bride follows a few tips while designing her bouquet in order to get it perfect. She can select the conventional, seasonal flowers or even artificial flowers, which would make her bouquet, look different. Sometimes brides also prefer wild flowers to give an exclusive look to their bouquets. It is also important to ensure that the bouquet matches the gown of the bride and also easy to carry. The bouquet must be compact and well covered so that it does not get damaged during the wedding. The modern trend is dominated by bright colors and exotic flowers like orchids and tropical flowers. The classic bridal bouquets comprise of flowers like roses and carnations usually in light pastel shades like pink, yellow or peach.

There are various types of bouquets available for brides like entire-rose bouquet, multi-colored bouquets and even white bouquets. When brides customize their bouquets, they must keep in mind the color and size of every flower. Brides can also consult a florist to make her bouquet the most beautiful and charming assortment.

Tim Haynes is a successful author and regular contributor to http://www.bridal-flower-arrangements.comCairistiona Blog64261
Alexis Blog8306

Uranium Strategy Quadruples Buying Power

Rolling off the assembly line, seven Strathmore Minerals non-core uranium properties were snapped up by joint venture partners in less than five months by non-binding Letters of Intent (LOI). Strathmore Minerals corporate secretary Bob Hemmerling nicknamed the strategy fast and furious.

After totaling the dollar amounts of exploration expenditures, cash option payments and market value of shares granted to Strathmore, we arrived at nearly C$150 million equivalent, and this came about without diluting the companys shares. Instead, companies such as Yellowcake Mining and American Uranium signed Letters of Intent to raise the exploration expenditures and paid cash and shares to earn-in to specific Strathmore properties.

In Strathmores case, the sum of the parts is greater than the whole.

In Tuesdays conversation with Strathmore Minerals chief executive Dev Randhawa, he told us, The market has been valuing Strathmore at about $2/pound. With the non-binding LOIs, we are getting more than the market will pay.

Can we expect more projects to be partnered with outside firms? Absolutely, Randhawa said. We may have three or four more.

Having been among a handful in the uranium space in 1996, Randhawa has been frustrated by the low dollar figure assigned to his companys properties. Investors tend to focus on the first few properties, he pointed out. Who looks down the list at properties 4, 5 and 6? How many times has anyone talked about the Chord (South Dakota) property or Nose Rock (New Mexico)?

In a previous interview we conducted with Strathmores vice president of technical services John DeJoia, he told us, I suspect Nose Rock may eventually have the highest grade of any Strathmore property. Phillips Petroleum had drilled Nose Rock during the last uranium cycle and estimated an average grade of 0.135 percent U3O8. DeJoias boss, David Miller, believes Nose Rock could be mined for up to twenty years.

Exploration drilling by Union Carbine, around the same time frame, found an historical resource estimated at about 3.8 million pounds U3O8. Neither has been classified by National Instrument 43-101 technical filings.

Randhawas goal is to get $5/pound for the U.S. properties through his spin-off strategy. This is about the dollar amount stock analysts assign to the properties of comparable companies in the near-term producers peer group. By unlocking shareholder value (with these spin-offs), we are getting more for the sum than the whole, he said.

Moving toward Production

Commitments of exploration expenditures and fresh cash without share dilution have accelerated Strathmores expansion pace. We have added staff and continue to add on a weekly basis, Strathmore president David Miller wrote in an email to us. We have expanded from a small Riverton office to a newly remodeled 5000 square foot building. We have rented space in Grants (New Mexico) for our project office. This is in addition to the companys permitting office in Santa Fe.

Miller added, A few weeks ago we received our first geophysical logging truck. We have another truck on order that can directly assay for uranium in the drill hole. New computer modeling and mining software is being added on a weekly basis.

Strathmores large portfolio of uranium properties, acquired before yellowcake became more popular, prohibited the company from the intense evaluation process required before beginning the permitting process. For example, Juniper Ridge was not yet in our pipeline, Miller confided. After we acquired the data and started the evaluation process, the more we studied Juniper Ridge, we became more optimistic about its true potential. The joint venture decreased the time frame for going into production on this property by several years. According to Miller the fast and furious partnering process is speeding up the process to mine these properties.

Randhawa praised his technical team and pointed out that because Strathmore had gotten into the uranium space early, they were able to acquire experienced people at all levels. We have veterans who have done open pit, underground and ISR, he pointed out.

We asked David Miller if the large number of concurrent projects was spreading his technical team too thin. He told us, We have added a number of high quality industry veterans over the past few months as quality new hires are learning their new profession. Miller also pointed out drill rigs were now available as coalbed methane drilling Wyoming had recently slowed down.

Both Randhawa and Miller are optimistic about the speed at which the Wyoming properties are moving forward. The fastest to production will be our Gas Hills (Wyoming) portfolio of projects, Miller said. This group of projects consists of over six open pits that were designed in the last uranium boom.

If 2006 was Strathmores year of marketing the company to be acquired, and 2007 is unfolding as the year of joint ventures, then what is in store for 2008?

Aside from increasing the companys value and the Roca Honda project, Randhawa told us, We hope to get mining permits to move up the timeline to production. Miller added, We will get one permit for the Gas Hills and then amend that permit to incorporate additional areas under the one permit.

Miller checked off his list of projects heading for production. The fastest will be the Gas Hills, he said. The Gas Hills was the largest uranium producer in Wyoming with over 100 million pounds. Then he named off the remaining projects he believes could be producing, Second fastest will likely be Sky. Third will be Reno Creek, fourth Pine Tree area, fifth maybe Juniper Ridge, sixth Roca Honda, and seventh Nose Rock. And so on down the assembly line for the first ten projects. The size of individual mines will vary from one-half million pounds to over one million pounds each, Miller added.

And what is the latest on Roca Honda? On Valentines Day this year, Strathmore announced the company had signed an exclusivity agreement with a Fortune Global 500 company. We will issue an update in the middle of July, Randhawa told us. We are quite hopeful. Theyve traveled here many times. Miller refers to Roca Honda as the company maker. The Roca Honda project was at the top of Kerr McGees mining list during the last uranium cycle.

On Dev Randhawas Christmas wish list is a mining permit later this year or early 2008. He wouldnt say where he hopes the first one will come from. But then again, if your company has properties in three Canadian provinces, three U.S. states and Peru, there are 20 possibilities from which to choose.

During the close of our conversation on Strathmore-specific questions, we asked when the company would join its peers on the senior exchanges in both Canada and the United States. Randhawa told us Strathmore should be listed on the more visible exchanges by the third quarter of this year.

Whatever else happens in 2007, for the time being, Strathmore has quadrupled its potential buying power with its new exploration commitments, cash and shares of its partners. And this should help accelerate the development of many projects which had never really been noticed before.

Fission Energy Corp Spin-off:
Canadian Blue Sky

Uranium and nuclear energy are being talked about in the big company boardrooms around the world, Randhawa explained. People would be shocked at the household names that have contacted Strathmore Minerals. He wouldnt name any names, but told us several were companies outside, or not normally associated with, the uranium mining sector.

Because Randhawa does not believe we are in a uranium bubble, he strongly believes in the spin-off of Strathmores Canadian exploration properties into the newly formed Fission Energy Corp. Once this new company clears the mandatory regulatory approvals, it should begin trading sometime in July.

In an attempt to divorce the companys development projects from the exploration projects, Strathmores board of directors voted earlier this year to spin off the blue sky projects. Some investors prefer the high leverage of an exploration, said Randhawa. Other shareholders, especially in the United States and Europe, were more comfortable with the U.S. assets.

After the spin-off from Strathmore, shareholders of record will receive one share of Fission Energy for every three shares of Strathmore Minerals.

We obtained a copy of the Fission Energy PowerPoint, which was presented by Jody Dahrouge at the annual shareholders meeting. Shareholders were impressed by the extent of the Canadian properties, Randhawa remarked. The new companys property portfolio includes about two million acres in Saskatchewans Athabasca Basin.

It came as a surprise to us having mostly followed Strathmores U.S. uranium assets that Waterbury Lake strategically surrounds the areas Midwest uranium project. Denison has been drilling near the Waterbury boundary.

Another, which we wrote about in late 2005, was Davy Lake. In the early exploration, the company discovered a 51-kilometer conductor. Fission Energys Davy Lake is the largest contiguous exploration block in the Athabasca Basin.

Fission also holds Dieter Lake, which is an advanced stage development project. This is the single property which is accompanied by a National Instrument 43-101 filing. The resource is estimated at hosting 24 million pounds U3O8. Few pure exploration companies have a uranium deposit with this size of a resource, let alone one which also includes the pedigree of a technical document.

We wanted to unlock shareholder value, Randhawa told us. Analysts were giving the Canadian properties zero value, because they concentrated on our U.S. assets. He believes down the road the new company could be revalued for more than C$75 million.

So while Strathmore Minerals will be aggressively pursuing the permitting process to bring the senior companys uranium deposits into production, the junior company spun-off will focus on the pure exploration plays. In any event, there is a joint venture waiting list for either companys properties. It splits up the audience: some prefer the blue sky of exploration, and others dont, Randhawa concluded. And now we have something for both audiences.

COPYRIGHT© 2007 by StockInterview, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

James Finch contributes to and other publications. He has contributed to the widely popular Investing in the Great Uranium Bull Market, and Uranium Outlook 2007 - 2008. His recent work, Investing in Chinas Energy Crisis, is now available at Blog23173
Berri Blog75189

Diamond Buying: Emotional Experience Or Math Problem?

Professionals in the diamond industry hear warnings about "commoditization" at our trade conventions. We hear the warnings from traditionalists, from sellers and suppliers, from revered industry leaders. We hear the warnings from some of the most esteemed icons of our industry. But what does it mean?

It is about the reduction of an emotional experience to a mere set of numbers. That is the concern.

For many years diamond cutters were considered craftsmen and artists, like blacksmiths and carpenters (the best still are). As technology has moved forward, blacksmiths and carpenters have been replaced with automated manufacture. In diamond-cutting, auto-dialits and assembly line production have replaced the gray-haired cutter of old who took the rough through every step from blocking to brillianteering. However, the unalterable difference between 'smithing and diamond fashioning is that producing a diamond will never be like stamping out automobiles or pre-fabricated woodwork where pieces and parts are interchangeable. Our craft is unique.

Every piece of diamond rough took millions of years to form. Every diamond is a different story. Once mined from the earth each piece of rough is individually studied and analyzed. A different plan is developed for each piece to arrive at the shape, size and beauty that will be yielded. No two diamonds are perfectly alike; not in rough form nor polished. They may be comparable, but color, clarity and even cut differ from piece to finished piece. There are subdivisions within each color grade. There are microscopic elements of crystallization within each diamond that do not appear on a plot. There are aspects to the way the diamond was run on the wheel and took a polish that blend together to create its distinctiveness when finally viewed.

As we know, the cut of a diamond has the largest influence on its overall performance and can be expressed in differing terms. Proportions, cut estimators, 3D scans, natural reflectors and machines like Imagem and BrillianceScope can assign numbers. But numbers will never tell the story of the diamond's birth, its crystallization over millions of years and the blending together of distinctive elements WITHIN the numbers that make it one-of-a-kind.

Traditionalists emphasize that a finished diamond is both a snowflake and an artist's masterpiece. Its uniqueness is absolute; both in nature and in the treatment man has given it. It can never be replicated - and its singular, irreplaceable distinctiveness is the perfect expression for a giver, and the most its wearer could ever hope for.

The traditionalists are right of course.

Now there is concern among traditionalists that by reducing a diamond to a data stream we take away its romance. We remove its symbolic appeal, distinctiveness that can be measured only by the human eye and a history larger than life - and replace them with charts and graphs.

The information age has provided us with the ability to analyze the art of man and nature. We have powerful tools for measurement and analysis. We can place a number beside every facet. We can take analytic photographs at unreal magnifications. We have black boxes that assign values. For trade and factory analysts these things can empower more understanding and the ability to maximize beauty at the source. Certainly there are hundredths of degrees which can help our scientific understanding. However, any professional will tell you that once a diamond is within an acknowledged premium range the nuances of its specific appeal depend entirely on individual human taste and preference. To make such fine judgments, beauty can only be in the eyes of the beholder.

Let us consider the most important people, our clients: For those who will give and receive nature's creation, crafted into shape by man's hand, we should provide technical validation to put them at ease. But for the sake of our trade we have a responsibility to put less emphasis on a decimal point and be more sensitive to our clients' appreciation for the emotional aspect of the diamond - which was his or her motivation for purchase in the first place!

Let us not convert someone shopping for a work of art & love into someone shopping for a tenth of a degree on crown facet number 8. To do so reduces the emotional experience to a math problem and reduces the meaningfulness of the service our trade can provide to our clients.

A healthy marriage of lab grading, parametric data and direct performance assessment should be enough for even the internet shopper's desire for pedigree. By all means, provide validation our clients need to be comfortable in a purchase, but ultimate beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It is important for us to remember that when all is said and done it will be sparkle, not statistics, which cause the wearer to love the piece.

John Pollard is Director of Consumer Education at - a company specializing in Diamonds, and Blog66160
Cathleen Blog11928

Free Copy Of Credit Report

Thanks to the federal fact Act, consumers nationwide are now able to get annually a free copy of credit report.

Why order for a free copy of credit report?

You credit report is actually your credit history for a period of time. Even though it is just a three-digit number but it has great importance in today's business world. Many money and bank lenders solely depend on your credit report to judge your financial stability to grant a loan. It's quite possible that your credit report may contain some errors and flaws. Remember this small error in your credit report can actually affect your credit history in a big way. In order to overcome this problem you need to get the error rectified as quickly as possible. It's a good idea to request a free copy of credit report at least once in six months.

When are you entitled for a free copy of credit report?

You are entitled for a free copy of credit report if you have been denied credit
If you are unemployed and intend to apply for employment within 60 days.
If you are a public welfare assistance
If you report has been revised
If you credit report contains inaccurate information due to fraud or theft

It is estimated that at least 48% of consumers have errors in their credit files and 12% of those errors are severe to result in credit being denied. It is unfortunate that these mistakes can actually cause you to be denied a loan, insurance or employment.

Can I get a free copy of my credit report?

You are entitled for a free copy of credit report if you have been denied cedit
If you are unemployed and intend to apply for employment within 60 days.
If you are a public welfare assistance
If you report has been revised
If you credit report contains inaccurate information due to fraud or theft

How can you fix your credit report?

Check your credit report at least once in six months and rectify errors in it immediately
Do not open unnecessary account. It would be advisable to shut down all the unnecessary accounts
Do not open multiple accounts at the same time. Remember a zero balance account is also taken into consideration.
Repair your credit report in case of any errors
Pay your minimum balances before the due date. This alone will fix your credit report

Copyright 2006 Darren Dunner

Darren Dunner is the writer of this article. For more information about the subject, kindly visit Blog92461
Ardene Blog57268

10 Year, 20 Year And 30 Year Term Life Insurance

Let us take a look at the 10 year, 20 year and 30 year term life insurance policies.

You know, you have a bunch of great policies that the public can choose from, however, for some reason there are certain ones that just stand out. They tend to stand way above all level term life insurance policies. Sometimes I wonder why. Don't misunderstand what I am saying here, the 10 year, 20 year and 30 year term life insurance policies are great policies but so are the 15 year and 25 year term life policies.

20 Year Term Life Insurance

Why would the breadwinner of a family consider the 20 year term first? I guess the choice depends on the point in time that this person decides to buy. In some cases there is a new baby in the family, perhaps the first child. These young people are so overjoyed at the presence of this newborn they just want to do everything possible to protect their new bundle of joy. 20 years sounds like a good period of time to plan for so off they go and buy their 20 year term life insurance policy. A 25 year or a 30 year term life insurance policy probably would have done just as well but they choose the 20 year policy.

30 Year Term Life Insurance

Why would one choose a 30 year term life insurance policy. Keep in mind the 3 most outstanding term policies are the 10 year, 20 year and 30 year term life insurance policies. I think that people buy the 30 year term life insurance policy because they simply choose to look further ahead. These people look as far ahead as the college years. They want to be assured that the children are well protected right up until graduation from college. Sometimes they plan to have sufficient cash to give each child a start after graduation as well.

Business people often choose the 30 year term life insurance policy over the other policy types as they want to do their insurance buying now and not think about it any more for a while. They should rethink their insurance needs every year but at the outset they choose the 30 year term anyway.

Some of the buyers examine the 10, year, 20 year and 30 year term live insurance policies and choose the 30 year policy because they are acutely aware that if a shorter term was chosen they may outlive their policies. They may still need insurance thereafter and possibly may not qualify for it.

10 Year Term Life Insurance

The 10 year term life insurance policy is usually chosen for one of 2 reasons. It is quite inexpensive thus more people can afford it. They buy this policy intending to buy one for a longer period of time sometime in the future. If they are unable to qualify for the new policy in the future the life insurance company may allow them to convert to a permanent policy. This, of course, would be by contractual agreement. Buy buying the 10 year term policy they at least have the coverage now. They can feel more secure.

The other reason why the 10 year term policy may be chosen above the others is that the purchaser is buying his or her first policy later on in life. Your youngest is now a teenager and you are aware that you are getting older. The 10 year policy will guarantee that this child will have sufficient cash to help him or her through high school and college.

The 10 year, 20 year and 30 year term life insurance policies are great policies. Give them some thought when you feel you need some life insurance.

For additional information on 10 year, 20 year and 30 year term life insurance go to:

For more than 40 years Donald Lusan has been known for his extensive knowledge of the life insurance business. He has represented some of the largest and most admired life insurance companies in the United States as well as Canada. His advice is invaluable.Alexi Blog40950
Catlaina Blog50059

Your Guide To Gas Credit Cards

Are you familiar with gas credit cards? They can be really handy, especially if you possess a car. They allow you to purchase gas conveniently and also offers you great promos and rebates as well. If you are interested to know more about them jump on the World-Wide Web. The Internet can give you sites that will aid you in finding offers from various gas companies like Conoco, Hess, Marathon, Citgo and Phillips 66. You also will find gas credit cards that can be used to purchase gas from any gas station.

Gas credit cards offer different kinds of promotions and rebates to attract the attention of car owners throughout the country. Marathon gas credit cards offer a 10 percent rebate on Marathon Midwest and Southeast gas stations, for the opening 60 days. After that period, you'll realize a continuous five percent rebate. This gas credit card does not charge an annual fee for the first year. In addition, if you use this credit card for nine purchases for the year, you will not be required to pay the usual ninety dollar annual fee for the succeeding year. You will enjoy no fee and zero percent APR on any balance transfers.

Chase PerfectCard is also one of the gas credit cards that are featured on online sites. It offers a rebate of six percent for the first ninety days, which is good on any gas purchase. Once this ninety day period expires, you will enjoy a one percent rebate on whatever you procure at restaurants, grocery stores, and clothing retailers. You will also earn a three percent rebate at all gas station purchases after the introductory period. Your APR is also fixed at zero percent on any balance you transfer to the cards for as long as nine months. Depending on your credit card, you can earn a rate under fourteen percent and will not be charged any annual fees. You can choose to waive this annual fee by making a minimum of nine purchasers for the year.

Hess gas credit cards on the other hand, offer you promotions for free gas and merchandise at all Hess, Hess Express and Wilco Hess location. You will earn a ten percent rebate during the ninety day introductory period. After which you will net a five percent rebate for every Hess purchase while purchases from other gas stations will give you a one percent rebate. If choose to get the Hess platinum gas credit cards, your preliminary APR is zero balance and can last up to six months. You will not be charged for any yearly fee with this credit card.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Credit Cards. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog91052
Berget Blog91317

Make Your Wishes True with Poor Credit Secured Loans

Its quite true that your credit history matters a lot while taking any loan. Moreover, a good credit history fetches you more money. But does that simply mean that those who are having a poor credit history will not be able to satisfy their needs fully? If your answer is yes, you need to cross-check. If you have a bad credit history, you can equally get a loan with the help of poor credit secured loans.

A poor credit secured loan is meant for people who are unable to get any loan or face difficulty in availing unsecured loans due to their poor credit. These loans require you to offer your home or any other property as a security against the loan amount. Poor credit Secured loans caters to persons having bad credit history, or poor credit score, defaulters and arrears, people with CCJs, bankrupts etc.

With a secured poor credit loan, you can get amounts ranging between 5000 to 75000 depending upon your requirement as well as the collateral value. Being a secured loan, it offers a longer repayment period of around 3 to 25 years. However, you may select the amount and repayment term according to your convenience and capability to repay. The interest rate is relatively low as it is being offered to poor credit holders and also because it is a secured loan.

Poor credit secured loans can be used for various purposes. Many people use this loan as the best tool for debt consolidation. However, you can also use it for buying property, home improvement, wedding or holiday expenses, education, or purchasing car etc.You can utilize secured poor credit loan to meet your diverse range of needs.

Applying for secured poor credit loan is quite easy. To avoid unnecessary expense of time and money, you can go online and search for lenders. You will come across numerous lenders offering poor credit secured loans. Among all theses, you need to select the best one for you by comparing the quotations of different lenders. Once you select your lender, you will be required to fill an online application form. The form will ask you about your personal and financial details. After giving all those details, the loan application will be approved just within 10 to 15 days and soon the loan money will be in your hand.

With a poor credit secured loan, you get a great opportunity to eliminate poor credit score. It will help improve your credit score and stop them from getting adverse. Through this loan you can make your future better by securing good chances of getting loans.

Tess Ocean has been associated with OnlinePaydayLoansUK. Having completed her Masters in Finance from Yale University, School of Management. She provide useful advice through her articles that have been found very useful. To find poor credit secured loan, personal payday loan, payday loan uk, bad credit payday loan, payday loan application visit Blog94013
Ali Blog65064

Care Of Oil Paintings In Your Home, Care Of Fine Art

For your famous oil painting reproductions and original artwork to retain their beauty for many years to come, The World's Artist (TWA) provides the following simple guide for the care of your oil painting reproductions, portraiture or fine art original oil painting.

Handling your oil paintings: Unframed oil painting reproductions or original oil painting should be handled as little as possible and when oil painting reproductions or oil paintings must be handled, ensure that your hands are washed beforehand and are free of grease or lotions. Never lift your unframed oil painting reproduction (not on a stretcher frame) with bare fingers by the edges or touch the surface. Wear gloves, use tissue paper, or lift from beneath using cardboard to support and hold the cardboard, not the oil painting.

Framing your oil paintings: Framing should be done to the highest quality affordable, using acid free materials that will not interact with the hand painted oil painting to enable it to be displayed for optimum visual effect. Quality framing is not expensive and well worth it.

Hanging your oil paintings: Your oil painting reproduction or original oil painting should be hung using high quality multi strand, braided picture wire, attached to the frame (or stretcher frame) via swivel jointed eyes and suspended from heavy duty wall hooks. Heavy framed fine art should always be hung from two hooks, each capable of supporting double the weight of the frame for safety reasons.

Lighting: Avoid direct sunlight. Fading due to UV rays is cumulative and irreversible. If possible, display in a room with blinds or curtains.

Climate: Avoid locating oil painting reproductions, portraits in oil or original oil paintings in an area of sudden temperature changes from hot to cold. The room temperature and relative humidity should remain reasonably constant, as large temperature changes cause expansion and contraction of both the oil painting and frame, which can lead to structural damage in hand painted canvas oil paintings and cause a small rippling effect. Temperature should be between 50F/10c to 77F/25c and between 40% to 60% relative humidity. Do not locate directly in the field of any forced ventilation. If you are located in a humid or coastal area, consider the use of a de-humidifier.

Cleaning oil paintings copies: Oil paintings should be gently dusted, if anything sticks to the paintings, have it professionally cleaned.

Accidents: If the oil painting reproduction or portrait painting gets wet, seek repair advice from a professional immediately. It is important to dry the 100% hand painted canvas oil painting right away before mould starts. Your home insurance should cover such accidents.

Varnishing oil paintings: All 100% hand painted canvas oil paintings and portraiture are provided unvarnished by default. Varnishing is not essential. It can undertaken by an experienced buyer or a restorer: in order to be protect the fine art for display, to give it a desired matt, semi-gloss, or gloss surface finish or to simply enhance the surface luster after a period of time. Varnishing also gives a uniform surface appearance to your paintings, as different oil paints and colors can harden with a slightly different surface 'sheen', especially at areas of overlapping between sessions. Do not varnish for at least 6 months to allow sufficient hardening of the oil paint.

Al Mansour is the founder of The World's Artist and a oil painter and watercolor artist, having had many exhibits in the USA. Bunny Blog87367
Alethea Blog96182

The Tenant's Tenets: Residential Lease Agreements

In this world, everybody must abide by certain rules and regulations. These could be official rules which are penned by persons of authority and are expected to be followed by one and all; or these could be unofficial rules which are dictated upon people by other people or by society. Of these two, official rules are those which are considered as more formal and shall apply to everyone from small (offices, classes, organizations) to large (townships, cities, countries) groups of people.

As with everything in this world, real estate transactions are also governed by rules and this extends through the entire gamut of individuals who are, in one way or another, involved in the process. There are federal and state property laws which real estate agents and lawyers must be aware of. Within the real estate office, there are specific rules that need to be followed as well. The professional relationship of a broker and a client are also governed by rules. However, in real estate, no one is more exposed to a list of dos and donts than a tenant of leased property.

Tenants of rented units are bound by a contract called a lease agreement. All the details pertaining to the lease are itemized in this document, and these include the names and addresses of the parties involved; the rented property, duration of lease, agreed upon rental fee, payment terms, and so on and so forth. Apart from these, lease agreements also include specific tenets or rules which, upon signing of the document, the tenant promises to abide by. And like anything that come in pairs these conditions come with concomitant penalties and corrective actions. Lease agreements are very important documents and the preparation of such should not be taken lightly.

Lease agreements are usually prepared by real estate agents and/or lawyers and this forms part of the whole service package offered to consumers. These days, however, you no longer need to consult with professionals for this. Many of these real estate related websites can give you tips on how to prepare a legally binding lease agreement. There are sites where a sample is presented to you on the screen, and there are also websites where you are able to purchase and download these contracts. The forms, such as the residential lease agreement, though found on real estate websites were created by professional real estate agents, thus you can be assured that the format and contents are valid. These can be opened using any word processing program and you can easily modify the contents to plug in the rules and conditions for you expect your tenants to follow.

If you want to secure a copy from the internet, all you need to do is pay for the contract by using your credit card, paypal or the issuance of electronic cheques, and once the payment approved, you can immediately download the residential lease agreement and alter the contents as you see fit. So pen those tenets now and include these in the lease agreement so your tenant will live by your rules.

This is article is brought to you by Gloria Smith at Created by a former, licensed Real Estate Agent, was designed to offer instant access to the most sought after type of real estate forms. For the cost of what others charge for one real estate contract, you can have instant access to over 60 downloadable real estate forms. You can find the Residential Lease Agreement form at: Blog55330
Ardyce Blog22234


Those of us who work in the home construction and design industry tend to forget how many little things there are that go into the creation of a new home or a redesign. There are design elements that have to be decided upon, from the big picture such as the overall architectural style of the home, down to the simplest things such as the type of kitchen hardware or the balusters for the staircase or deck. Recently in helping some new friends with their home project I was reminded how much there is to take into consideration in even just one area as basic as staircase design.

Who would have known when we began designing our dream house just how many little details we would have to decide on? Did you know we spent an entire week just looking at balusters, banisters, treads and newels? I had no idea what any of these even were before we started all of this except that my grandmother used to let us slide down the banister at her home when we were very small. But growing up in a California ranch style house all on one level, stairs were somewhat novel to me. I really had no idea of everything that goes into putting together a staircase - there is practically a new language to be learned! What exactly did we want? What kind of treads? Iron balusters? Wooden newels? It was all overwhelming. And after listening to them for a bit longer, I understood what they meant, even I felt exhausted just from their recounting all that theyd been going through before coming to see me.

So after reminding them that this process was something they had dreamed about for years and it was something they were supposed to be enjoying as much as possible and having fun with it, they relaxed a bit and listened to my suggestions of how to proceed encouraging them to consider three easy tips that anyone taking on a home project, big or small can use.

Concentrate on one area at a time Whether youre starting from the very beginning with having to determine what style of architecture you want for your home or deciding on a particular element, such as my area of focus, staircase design, concentrate on that one area and work through the possibilities. With staircase design, this might mean first learning about all the different things youll even need to decide about. What exactly is a newel or a balustrade? Then you can get a bit more specific - what types of treads are characteristic for the architectural style weve chosen? Would iron balusters compliment the area of the home the staircase will lead to and from? Although you will be thinking about and focusing on one area in particular, thinking contextually about how this one area fits in with the rest of the home will not only help you to make good decisions, but will also help you uncover other questions to be addressed. The key though is to note those down and come back to them. Remember, one area at a time to keep from going into overwhelm.

Search out pictures of what you like and even what you dont - This is a great way to help your through your decision making process. Head to the library or a bookstore and spend some time going through magazines and books until you find something that you really like. Its again important to keep your focus narrow look only at staircases and their elements in one sitting - dont let yourself get distracted by chandeliers you like. If you see something you want to come back to, make a note of it so you wont forget. Looking at particular elements in use is another option. Grab your digital camera and go look at buildings that might have iron balusters if youre considering them or the particular type of handrails you loved the sample of but would like to see in an actual home setting. Oftentimes, vendors or builders can help you with referrals of where their work or products can be seen. Gather up all of your pictures to not only help you to solidify your vision, but to help to explain what you really want to your architects and home designers as well as examples of what you absolutely do not want so that they really can get a visual sense of your style.

Remember your budget, but make decisions that you can live with for the years to come Sometimes your budget as well as home size will decide from the get go for you if certain elements are not to be considered. For example, that grand balcony and sweeping staircase you saw in that Mediterranean estate on your honeymoon simply wont work or be cost effective if youre building a 1600 square foot 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Youll not only use up too much of your floor space if you go that direction, but lots of your budget as well. But thats not to say that with a little creativity and inspiration that you cant capture the same feel of what you loved about it and bring it to your home. The large antique hand-carved iron scroll work you admired can be emulated with todays iron or aluminum balusters and accent pieces scaled to fit your particular staircase and home. And with the ability to shop online now for virtually any product for your home, you will also be able to find options to fit within your budget. The important thing is to capture the essence of the design style you like, even if initially it seems out of reach, so that you will enjoy living with your choices for years to come and ideally stay within your budget.

Although these three tips may seem to oversimplify the process you are sitting in the middle of or are about to embark upon, by applying them over and over to all of your different home design decisions, particularly those you arent sure of, youll be able to focus your energy one step at a time and break down what might at times seem a daunting task. Your home is important and should reflect your style and desires. The project at hand may take time and energy, but the end result should and will be one you love and treasure for years to come, from the kitchen hardware to the iron balusters, if you just relax and take it step by step and enjoy the process as much as possible.

Shawn Capell is an expert on the finest details of staircase design as owner of, the premiere online source for iron baluster, newels, handrails and everything else stairs!Annalee Blog45700
Betty Blog72397

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